St. John's Anglican Church

Sunday Worship

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The Parish of St. John at Truro

Sunday Worship at 10am


Season after Pentecost

We have now entered the long season of Sundays after Pentecost (or in some traditions, Ordinary Time.) This 27 week season will continue until the Sunday before Advent or the Reign of Christ (this year, Nov. 24). The scripture readings chosen for worship in this season move throughout the Bible with no particular theme, unlike in other seasons. The gospel readings, however, focus on the teaching, healing and kingdom building ministry of Jesus and the ways in which the people who follow him are still working out his Great Commission to bring the gospel to all peoples. (Matthew 28: 16-20) The season after Pentecost is often referred to as the Season of the Kingdom, or the season of the Church. It is growing and learning time for disciples of Jesus. So the liturgical colour of the season is green, signifying life and growth in him.

Season after Pentecost

Collect of the Day

Almighty God, you have taught us through your Son that love fulfils the law. May we love you with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength, and may we love our neighbour as ourselves; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

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Sunday School Learning Through Godly Play

Godly Play teaches children the art of using Christian language – parable, sacred story, silence and liturgical action – helping them become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives. It’s about understanding how each of the stories of God’s people connects with the child’s own experience and relationship with God. Godly Play respects the innate spirituality of children and encourages curiosity and imagination in experiencing the mystery and joy of God.

Learn MoreWinter/Spring Term Dates

Sunday School

We have music! New voices welcome

Under the leadership of our Music Minister(s) Diane MacLeod and John Greer, our Choir is a dedicated and talented group of singers. The choir participates during our 10am service on Sundays as well as special services throughout the year.

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St. John’s Spotify Playlist

music minitry

Terrace Hill Cemetery

Terrace Hill Cemetery, is located on Kaulbach St. in Truro, and is the parish cemetery of St. John's Anglican Parish. It was established in 1873 with an initial purchase of a parcel of land and enlarged in the early 1900s with a second donation of land. Many stones from the original church cemetery located around the church building on Church St. were transferred to Terrace Hill, but most graves are from the 20th century. The cemetery also contains a number of military graves from the first and second World Wars tended by the Commonwealth Graves Commission.
For information about the current operation of Terrace Hill Cemetery, follow the link below.

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St. John’s is a community of faith; disciples of Jesus Christ walking in the Anglican tradition. We are a parish within the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Nationally we belong to the Anglican Church of Canada and internationally to the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Anglican way traces its roots to the ancient and undivided Church of the apostles of Jesus and to the first missionary journeys sent to the British Isles as early as the 2 nd century of the Common Era. So our roots are deep and rich, shared with the Roman Catholic Church from which we came, with the Celtic Christianity that flourished for centuries in Britain, and because a separate Anglican identity was forged at the time of the Protestant Reformation, with our brothers and sisters in those churches as well. It has been said that Anglicans straddle the via media, the middle ground, between Roman Catholicism and the Protestant branches of the church. For more on what this historic, yet distinctly current branch of Christianity believes and lives, follow the links below.


Established in 1820 Explore Our Heritage

The Parish of St. John the Evangelist was officially created in 1820. The current stone building which replaced the original wooden church of 1825, was built in 1881 and is now the oldest continuously used house of worship in Truro. Our history is as old as the community itself.

